- facilitate the dissemination of information about CAAD amongst the Asian Schools of Architecture, Planning, Engineering, and Building Sciences.
- to encourage the exchange of software, courseware, experiences and staff/students amongst schools
- to identify research and development needs specific to CAAD education and initiate collaboration to satisfy them.
- to promote research and teaching in CAAD which enhances creativity rather than simply production technologies
The General Membership governs CAADRIA through elected representatives or directly by representation at meetings or through postal ballots. For most activities, this means that CAADRIA is governed by an elected Administrative Council elected by the membership. Responsibility for organisation, administration and guidance of the association shall be delegated to this Council by virtue of the election of the officers. Membership of the council shall be restricted to members working in countries within the Asia Pacific region; terms of office are for two years. No member of this council may be elected for more than two consecutive terms (four years).
There is an annual general meeting (normally convened during the annual conference) at which the business of the association is agreed by the membership. This forum shall be considered the highest level of authority and shall be the only one with the power to amend this charter.
Where important business must be conducted and a meeting is not feasible, postal ballots will be used.
The association organises an annual conference within the Asia Pacific region. A newsletter will be published over electronic mail at irregular intervals to inform the membership of activities of interest.
Membership is open to individuals, not institutions. Membership is extended to all who teach or conduct research in computer aided architectural design.
Membership dues will be levied to cover the administrative costs of the association which cannot be met by other means.
The Association shall be run by a Secretariat located in an institution at which members are located. The Secretariat shall be composed of volunteer staff only, with a limited budget being made available through membership dues and supervised by the Administrative Council. The location of the Secretariat may be reviewed at each Annual General Meeting.
Adoption of Charter
This Charter was adopted by at the first CAADRIA meeting, April 26, 1996 in Hong Kong.